I'm behind on reviews...but I'll keep these next ones short.

Two Thursdays back, IFSA advisors Daniel and Patricio took Robyn and I to see this one man show - or should I say one woman show? I'm not sure which is correct in this context. Juan Pablo Geretto, immaculately made up and sporting an amusing skirt-suit and heels, performed the entire piece solo. The character: an obnoxious, passive-aggressive, insufferable - and yet, somehow lovable - elementary school teacher.
About 80% of the audience was comprised of female schoolteachers who found the whole thing hysterical. In terms of reaching its target audience, SUCCESS. I liked it okay, but it mostly just made me want to see some more stand-up. I wonder if there's an Argentine equivalent to Margaret Cho...
If there is an argentine margaret cho i will seriously fly down to buenos aires and live in a cardboard box on your steps just so i can go see her (and YOU too obvi)