To be perfectly honest:
I saw this last Saturday and am still recovering. At least now I know what the inside of Hell looks like. And I’ll gladly share this image with you! Ready?
A pianist. A pendulum. Clowns. Clowns humping things. Clowns humping each other. Clowns humping the FLOOR, for Pete’s sake. Add a group of ten-year-old boys behind me, kicking my chair, making fart-noises, laughing hysterically. I think a small part of me died while watching this “play.”
I’ll say no more, there really isn’t much more I can bear to write on the subject. It was a painful two hours. No, this play was not a short one.
If I gained one thing from “Tempo,” it was a deepened understanding of the differences between the U.S. and Argentina when it comes to attitudes toward sex, sexuality, and censorship. Any North-American parent would have had their kid out of there after the first joke, but the Argentine families in the audience seemed fine with it. The performance was not my cup of tea, but I do find it disturbing that sexual images are censored more heavily in the U.S. than violent ones. Seeing this show confirmed in my mind just how different things could be.
But cultural understanding aside, NO. WHY. AGH.
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