Shopping period is coming to a close, and I’ve just about finalized my schedule of classes. Here is my week (remember, all in Spanish):
Conexión Creativa I (“creative connection,” first year)*
Voz y Canto III (voice and song, third year)
Escuela de Espectadores (lectures by playwrights and directors in the “spectators’ school”)
Castellano Matenamiento (Spanish language maintenance)**
Destreza y Malabares I (gymnastics and juggling, first year)
Taller de Actuación (acting workshop: just me, Robyn, and our teacher Marisa)
Seminar: Theater Today in Buenos Aires
Observación (observation of rehearsals for the fourth year students’ play)
LIBRE! (free)
So far, an excellent schedule. As part of the Central Seminar I’m required to see a different play each week (paid for by the program), and I can also sign up to see other shows that the program sponsors as extra-curricular events. In short, tons of theater. All the time. At no additional cost to me. WHAT?!
Please don’t hate me because I’m theatrical.
*I have yet to attend this class, but I really want to take it after what I heard. Sounds like a super chilled-out Drama 102 (alas, only Vassar kids will get that reference) an exploration of creative expression.
**This class is required by my study abroad program. As part of the concentration, I will be enrolled in a section with a focus on – what? – theater.
Speaking of 102 I had my first class yesterday. I have Gabrielle and Jane, with Chris coming for the Chekov section. I'm excited and terrified. But Sierra is in it, as well as a certain person with certain facial expressions or lack thereof. ¡Re-divertido!