This show was one of my favorites so far, and definitely got my teatrista brain going. It took the play-within-a-play concept in a direction I'd never thought of: the entire play is a rehearsal for another play, Ibsen's "Hedda Gabbler." An accomplished actress arrives to play the title character, and the play charts her (humorous) emotional transformation from being extremely composed and sure of herself at the beginning to being on the verge of a nervous breakdown at the end. Literary parallels! Beautiful.
"Estado de ira" takes place in the 1950s in Argentina (needless to say, BEAUTIFUL costumes) but I recognized many of the characters and quirks of the rehearsal process from my own experiences. I would love to know more about their process in conceiving this production - in my eyes it was very much a play by actors for an audience of actors, although I'm sure non-theater-types could get a kick out of it, too. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they just started out with ideas for characters, the "Hedda Gabbler" script, and improvised from there. I would LOVE to be a part of something like that! IDEAS...
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