Monday, December 6, 2010

21 añitos

I turned twenty-one down here! Since I've been able to legally purchase alcohol since I got here, it was a somewhat anti-climactic experience compared to what it might have been in the States, but a birthday nonetheless. And this was my first time turning years (is that okay to say? cumplir años? I just don't know anymore) during summer, which was quite lovely!

So instead of "having a party," I celebrated in smaller ways, and did other cool non-birthday-related things that I decided would count as part of my birthday anyway.

1) The fantastic Patagonian adventure overlapped a tiny bit with my birthday, so I count it as part of the birthday package. The weather we got while down there was the universe's birthday gift to me.

2) Monday: My host-mom and host-sis took me out for a great birthday dinner!

They created this beautiful cake-display for me:

...and they took a bunch of pictures, some of which came out re-copadas:

...and some of which just look like me being, well, myself:

3) Tuesday: Jamie and I had an adorable lunch at La Salamandra before she took off for Chile, and I insisted that it was very much part of my birthday and made us take food pictures.

4) Wednesday: I invited my yanquis out to teatime at Tea Connection. It was Robyn's idea for each person to take a turn telling their favorite story about me. Zoé of course chose some winners, including the one about the time I got "trapped" in the bathroom.

My guests:
I'm gonna miss these folks!
More cake and wishes for me:

5) Friday: Hot Festival, a pop music festival, was going on, so while my family was in a plane on their way, I was seeing Girl-Talk, Scissor Sisters, Mika, and Phoenix perform! I liked Mika by far the best, and his Spanish was great, which I know the audience appreciated. Seeing so many concerts one after the other was pretty exhausting, but it was definitely a fun time.

Chillin' in the heat at Hot Festival:


7) Saturday: To conclude my birthday week, my family showed up! More about their visit soon :) I am actually still receiving cards from my mom in the mail – she sent twenty-one of them before coming here. Sneaky.

Well, there you have it. A birthday abroad well spent, if I do say so myself. I realize there was actually zero alcohol involved, which may disappoint some U.S. readers, but cake is way yummier in my book.

Now before I drop dead of self-centeredness, I shall close this post and move on to the next one!


21-year-old Isa

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